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Goldy LockS YouTube

Here it is! Goldy LockS and her band visited and did a special YouTube Video of our shelter.  Help us get as much exposure as we can! Like, share, and comment on Facebook, encourage your friends to do the same. Be sure to like and share and comment from the YouTube page as well.

From Goldy LockS:

The Goldy lockS Band needs YOU to watch our NEW #LetsTakeARide video on YouTube! And we NEED you to leave a comment!!!

***** WATCH NOW!!! *****

PLEASE click the link ABOVE!

SUBSCRIBE, give video a THUMBS up and leave a COMMENT!

SHARE this if you would too! Views help us all bring awareness to animals needing love and #ForEverHomes!

Thank you Pearl River County SPCA & Krewe of the Pearl for having the Goldy lockS Band!!!

Thanks Rod SaylorNicholas Johnson and Jason Sullivan for taking your time to do this!!!!

#AdoptNotShop #AnimalAwareness #AnimalShelter#PearlRiverCountySPCA #SundayNight #GoldyLocks #GoldylockSBand#GoldyCares #GoldyKnows #GoldyLocksRocks #Dogs #Cats#CuteDogs #cutecats

Cute Dogs | Cute Puppies | Goldy lockS Band | Let’s Take A Ride | PRCSPCA | Pearl River County SPCA

The Goldy lockS Band wants to bring love and awareness to some cute little #GoldenPups that really need it. Always remember to #AdoptNotShop whenever you can! Stop in your local SPCA and take home a precious life that needs your love. These animals deserve attention, care and a wonderful home.

. 1700 Palestine Road, Picayune, Mississippi 39466
Cats looking for Homes
Dogs looking for Homes